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Board discusses sidewalk complaint

The April 6 South Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners meeting began with Brian Turano complaining about the sidewalk construction at the Dollar General on Walbert Avenue.

He also complained about it at the previous meeting.

“It is generally scary to think that this project has been left unfinished and you guys are starting new projects left and right” he said, and he would like answers.

Diane Kelly said, “Keep your comments please to the matter at hand and no personal attacks of our staff.” No action was taken.

There were no ordinances on the agenda.

There was a resolution to extend conditional approval for another 180 days for KRE Spring View Commercial II, which is a major subdivision plan.

A representative for the applicant was there to answer questions.

He said he has been working with the Public Safety Commission and they have recommendations which include a prohibition of some turning movements, which PennDOT is not in agreement with, so they have dueling recommendations from the state agency.

He would like the condition removed, with supporting evidence.

Hopefully this will be able to be resolved in 180 days. The motion was approved.

A resolution was granted for final approval to a major plan entitled “Ridge Farms-Phase 1A.”

Phase 1A involves a medical office building at the corner of Cedar Crest Boulevard and Walbert Avenue and associated driveways, roadways as well as internal improvements.

The plan is subject to 34 conditions which must be met before the plan is recorded.

South Whitehall Township Planner Gregg Adams read all 34 conditions out loud.

Motions were approved for resurfacing of basketball courts at the South Whitehall Township Chase and Jacoby Parks.

Also approved was the purchase of playground equipment and installation for part of the Chase Park renovation project.

PRESS PHOTO BY MICHAEL HIRSCH Dollar General on Walbert Avenue continues to have a closed sidewalk.