Southside endorses outreach program
The Mayor’s South Side Task Force Chair Janine Santoro announced the city’s CitizenLab ARPA Outreach program is to be launched April 7 at the Mar. 29 meeting.
Santoro, city director of equity and inclusion, said the city is seeking community input on setting priorities for projects that are eligible for American Rescue Plan Act funding.
Santoro said, “We are making sure we are reaching as many people as we can.” This includes an online component available on Bethlehem’s municipal website.
CitizenLab is the international company providing the online platform for Bethlehem’s outreach program. All city residents are encouraged to participate at this address:
There are 22 projects to choose from and participants are asked to endorse 10. These include grants for utility assistance, senior services, housing assistance services, mental health advocacy, climate justice, city-wide broadband, and a new community center.
Outreach will also occur through public meetings at area schools, the Hispanic Center and other venues where English and Spanish-speaking Bethlehem citizens will be asked to participate, Santoro explained.
Demographic information will be gathered along with the recommendations from stakeholders.
Unlike the previous Task Force meeting in February, most attended in-person at the Northampton Community College Fowler Southside Center.
New to these meetings, Marvine Elementary Principal Eric Fontanez and Director of Bethlehem Area School District’s Office of Equity Initiatives Benita Draper introduced themselves.
“The city did get a consultant to help us figure out our permanent homeless shelter for our unsheltered individuals,” announced Santoro. “We are looking for a long-term solution,” she added. This includes working out a regional solution. Access to services is also a factor to be considered.
The Reverend Suzanne Trump said St. John’s Windish Lutheran Church will be assisting with homeless intakes for the Bethlehem Emergency Shelter.
Roger Hudak said someone has been feeding “homeless folks” at the old St. Peter and Paul property on Edward Street. Bethlehem Police Officer William Rodriguez replied that he was aware of this. The former chairman remarked that he is, “just a block watch captain.”
According to Santoro, interviewing for an affordable housing consultant by Bethlehem city officials continues.
It was discussed that many of the recently-built apartment buildings and former family homes that had been converted to rental units are being utilized for student housing.
Christine Wieder from the Bethlehem Area Public Library Southside branch mentioned a Citizenship Course information session will be held April 27.
Two free events were announced.
SouthSide Community Day, presented by Unity Bank is scheduled for April 23 at the National Museum of Industrial History.
“¡Fiesta Latina!” will be held at the Touchstone Theatre on the evening of April 30. It features free music and food for purchase.
Susan Vitez from the Steelworkers’ Archives reported the “Steelwalker” tours are back and “Steeples and Steel” tours may be returning as well.
Attending virtually, Samantha Mravlag from CADCB asked Officer Rodriguez to assist with setting up a block watch for Southside Lofts.
The Mayor’s South Side Task Force regularly meets on the last Tuesday of the month.