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The GIANT Company 2022 Healing The Planet grant given

The GIANT Company in partnership with Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, recently announced the return of its Healing the Planet grant program.

This year, $300,000 will be awarded to projects aimed at improving the health and quality of waterways to help protect water resources and improve the overall health of communities.

“Last year’s grant recipients demonstrated that no matter how big or how small a project may be, you can make a difference in healing our planet,” Jessica Groves, community impact manager, The GIANT Company said. “As we again partner with Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, this year we are shifting the focus to projects centered around our waterways and water conservation. Water is crucial for sustaining life which is why we need to protect our water resources for today and for the future.”

The 2022 Healing the Planet grant program is accepting online applications now through April 28 via the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful website.

Eligible projects must be located in areas where The GIANT Company operates stores within Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia or West Virginia.

Examples of qualifying projects include stream health and water quality monitoring activities, marine debris removal, stormwater/MS4 education initiatives, lake/pond ecology, watershed education activities, watershed landscape measures, rain gardens, streambank restoration, erosion control, AMD remediation, rain barrels, pollution abatement and source water protection.

A total of $300,000 in funding is available, with grants to be awarded at the $2,500, $5,000 or $10,000 funding levels.

Awardees will be announced in June.

Last year, 42 recipients received more than $500,000 in funding through the Healing the Planet grant program in support of projects that aimed to build environmental stewardship by connecting people and families to community green spaces, supporting environmental efforts, and building community gardens.

“The health of our local waterways is intimately connected to the overall health of our communities. Our waterways provide recreation, impact our economy, connect us to neighborhoods and to each other. Healthy waterways are vital to thriving, successful communities,” Shannon Reiter, president, Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful said. “We are honored to once again partner with The GIANT Company to provide opportunities to make a difference in the health of local waterways and communities. We also want to thank all of you who ‘rounded up’ at the register. Your generosity will directly impact and protect the health and quality of local waterways.”

As part of The GIANT Company’s healing the planet initiative, the company is committed to plastic bag recycling and plastic reduction efforts, zero-waste initiatives, a solar field and bee pollinator habitat, energy-efficient fixtures in-stores and sustainably sourced seafood, coffee and tea.

To learn more, visit giantfoodstores.com/pages/our-purpose.

In addition, customers can also support The GIANT Company’s healing the planet initiatives.

Now through May 31, customers can round up their purchase at any GIANT, MARTIN’S or GIANT Heirloom Market store at checkout.

Funds donated through round up will benefit Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, Planet Bee Foundation, a nonprofit organization focused on driving awareness for pollinators in local communities and Rodale Institute, the leading voice in developing solutions for the regenerative organic movement.