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South Whitehall Planning Commission holds meeting to review subdivisions

PRESS PHOTO BY MICHAEL HIRSCH A sketch plan for 1670 Church Road Padda Property LLC is discussed for ending Church Road at the railroad tracks with a cul-de-sac (truck turnaround) at a special South Whitehall Planning Commission meeting March 29. The road turns into a narrow one-way street on the other side of the tracks before intersecting with Chapmans Road.

A special South Whitehall Planning Commission meeting was held March 29 for two subdivision review cases.

South Whitehall Township Director of Community Development David Manhardt, explained the planning commission had some big applications, which prompted them to add a special meeting to split the applications.

The first was a request for a sketch plan review on 1670 Church Road Padda Property LLC.

The plan proposes to renovate an existing commercial building, construct a 23-space parking lot and stormwater management facility on the 3.49-acre parcel.

The property is zoned industrial commercial one special height limitation.

Kevin Markell, of Barry Issett and Associates, represented the applicant and spoke about meeting roadway requirements, particularly since the roadway narrows when it crosses the railroad tracks and becomes one-way at the southwest corner of the site.

It had been and will be a motor vehicle repair facility.

He had some concerns about the roadway and running a sidewalk through the railroad track.

He was interested in getting feedback from the planning board.

Commissioner William McNair proposed ending the road and putting in a cul-de-sac.

The applicant will put together a new sketch proposal.

The second subdivision item was Ridge Farm Final Plan Phase 1A.

There are 35 conditions of approval which must be met prior to being recorded. A motion was made and approved.