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Salisbury recognizes volunteers

April is “Volunteer Month” in Salisbury Township.

Members of the Eastern Salisbury Fire Department and Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company and their families will be honored at a “Volunteer Month Recognition Dinner” 6 p.m. April 28 in the meeting room of the municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave.

“This year, we’d like to recognize the contributions of the volunteer firefighters,” township board of commissioners President Deb Brinton said at the March 24 township meeting when April 2022 was proclaimed “Volunteer Month.”

The proclamation was approved unanimously 5-0 on a motion by board of commissioners Vice President Rodney Conn and seconded by Commissioner Heather Lipkin.

The proclamation states in part:

“The Township of Salisbury is blessed to have a capable core of volunteers that are committed and dedicated to serving our community.

“The Township of Salisbury Board of Commissioners recognizes the value and the benefits of the volunteers’ efforts and contributions.

“The Township of Salisbury residents are the direct beneficiaries of all volunteer efforts.

“The Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners hereby proclaims the month of April 2022 to be Salisbury Township Volunteer Month to recognize all volunteers for their unheralded volunteer work and their unmatched level of unselfish sacrifice to serve their community.”

It was announced a commissioners’ meeting is not expected to be held April 28. The commissioners meet 7 p.m. April 14 in the municipal building meeting room.

In other business at the March 24 meeting, commissioners voted 5-0 to approve:

-Motion to approve waiver of application and permit fees for Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company. Commissioner Alex Karol made the motion, seconded by Conn, to bring the motion to a vote.

The fees would total an estimated $750, it was stated. Western is in the planning stage for its revised Swain Station project, which is expected to be reviewed by the township zoning hearing board and planning commission. Attorney and engineering fees would be paid for by Western. A legal agreement regarding the land title is in negotiations, a source told a reporter for The Press.

-Motion to grant a 90-day time extension for plan recording for a major subdivision at 886 Flexer Ave. Lipkin made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Alok Patnaik, to bring the motion to a vote.

The subdivision is for five lots. “They’re just trying to get all the approvals in order,” Salisbury Township Planning and Zoning officer Kerry Rabold said before the vote.

During the township officials’ discussion portion of the March 24 meeting:

-Rabold said discussion of township zoning for cluster housing is expected to be on the agenda of an upcoming commissioners’ workshop.

-Karol raised concerns about pedestrian safety at East Emmaus Avenue and Dauphin Street.

Salisbury Township Chief of Police Kevin Soberick said he would ask traffic control Officer Bryan Losagio to look into the matter.

“Would we need a crossing guard there?” Brinton asked.

“It’s certainly something we can look into,” Soberick said.

During the commissioners’ workshop at the March 24 meeting:

-Salisbury Township Director of Public Works James Levernier gave an update about public works department projects at tennis and pickleball courts.

At Green Acres, a fence is being renovated and four courts for pickleball are being devised.

At Devonshire Park, blacktop is being replaced for tennis courts, where pickleball courts are also expected to be designated.

At Laubach Park, blacktop work is also being done.

The projects are expected to be completed by mid-June.

-Rabold said she and Salisbury Township Assistant Manager Sandy Nicolo are working on proposed changes to the zoning ordinance, Chapter 27, Section 604, concerning parking and storage of vehicles.

Rabold said distinctions are being made between commercial assigned vehicles, regular commercial vehicles, regular commercial trailers and commercial trailers.

It’s expected the proposed changes regarding vehicles will be discussed at an additional workshop.

-Nicolo said the proposed disruptive conduct ordinance is expected to be discussed at an additional workshop.

After workshop discussions, the disruptive conduct ordinance and changes to the vehicles ordinance are expected to be brought before township commissioners for consideration for approval.