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New council member introduced in Macungie

During the April 4 Macungie Borough Council meeting, the newest council member, Ron Karboski, was introduced.

Streetscape VI was reconsidered with a vote on awarding the construction of this phase. Columbia Excavating submitted the lowest bid and they have been involved in other phases of the project. The vote was 6-1.

Talk of the Mountain Creek stream restoration continues. Concern for the wall collapsing increases. One of the homeowners stabilized an area of the stream problems which affected his property.

Discussion continued over the wall, the creek and the Hickory Street bridge. Borough Engineer Stan Wojciechowski said the piers on the Hickory Street bridge should not be removed as it could cause a stability problem for pedestrians.

A brief history of the wall was discussed. The federal government originally built the wall. At one point, the Army Corps of Engineers was called in to analyze and repair the wall. A property owner stopped that.

The lateral sewer lining project is almost complete.

Discussion over lighting at Stone Hill Meadows was held. It is the responsibility of the homeowner’s association to deal with PPL as they own and maintain the lights. The proposal is to put two lights at the bridge. This will be investigated to see if it’s necessary.

Macungie Institute held a grand reopening April 2. There were 400-500 people attending. Friends of the Macungie Institute helped with the preparation for the celebration.

The monthly report shows interest in the facility increasing. Facebook followers increased almost by 100 since February. Income has increased and the number of events hosted has increased.

There was an executive session held regarding personnel and land acquisition.

Related photos appear on Page A2.

ABOVE: Macungie Borough Council is photographed at the April 4 meeting, including left to right: Ron Karboski, the newest addition to council, Carl Sell, Todd Rutledge, Lisa Yeager, John Yerman, president, Barry Bloch and Greg Hutchison, vice president.
RIGHT: Macungie Borough Manager John Brown stands for a photo at the April 4 Macungie Borough Council meeting. PRESS PHOTOS BY SHARON SCHRANTZ