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Donation received for sign in Emmaus

Emmaus Borough Council met April 4 at St. John’s UCC. The meeting began with a question from a resident about runoff water potentially damaging the community pool. A borough engineer was informed and will look at the situation, but there is no current resolution.

Another question was asked about road conditions. Council informed the resident a budget has been set aside for upcoming roadwork.

In community minute, the upcoming Emmaus High School softball and baseball teams were mentioned. Council said the baseball team was ranked number one in the Lehigh Valley and the softball team was ranked number two.

In special presentations, Wes Barrett donated a check in the amount of $8,000 to the Borough of Emmaus for a flashing pedestrian crossing sign. Barrett is a former Emmaus council member and has been a consistent donator to the borough. His contributions have helped the recreation department, as well as the Emmaus parade.

There were three ordinances read during the meeting. Ordinance 1225 and Ordinance 1226 were both introduced during the previous meeting.

Ordinance 1225 amends sections related to resurfacing requirements of street openings. This states those wanting to do work around their property, which requires tearing up the public street, must restore the road to its previous condition.

Ordinance 1226 establishes parking restrictions on the public street and parking lot adjacent to the Emmaus Police Department.

In new business, Ordinance 1227 was approved, which amends the provisions of the international property maintenance code.

Mayor Lee Ann Gilbert was not in attendance to provide a report.

Councilman John Hart requested the purchase of a flashing crosswalk sign that will go on Harrison Street by Lincoln Elementary School. The purchase of the sign was approved.

Dating back to the previous meeting, the bill list totaled $547,108.

In Shane Pepe’s borough manager’s report, he announced the hiring of Madison Buchanan as an Emmaus EMT.

There were no items in president’s business. Following that announcement, the meeting was adjourned.

The next borough meeting will take place 7 p.m. April 18 at 139 N. Fourth St., Emmaus. This is a temporary location, as the borough buildings are being renovated.