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Chestnut Circle stormwater project awarded to Linde Corporation

March 30 marked the last meeting of the month for Alburtis Borough Council. There were 10 line items on the docket for the evening.

The meeting began with a public comment about curb painting. Borough Manager Sharon Trexler said it was very cold when they went out, so they were only able to paint the stripes. She said they will be out soon to finish the job.

Alburtis Mayor Kathleen Palmer reported newly appointed Police Chief Tony Alsleben is hiring part-timers and has made decisions on other positions within the department. Additionally, the undercover car is back and operational after a transmission replacement.

Two members from The Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce were in attendance to get some face time with Alburtis Borough Council and provide them some information on what’s been going on with the chamber.

The previous meeting minutes were approved as well as the bills for payment.

In administration, the first item was the resignation of Councilwoman Vanessa Taggart. This was announced at the previous meeting but finalized during this meeting. Council immediately began a conversation about a replacement.

Alburtis Borough Council is looking for a new council member, so any qualified local resident should apply if local government is an interest.

Following the announcement, Resolution No. 2022-4 was approved, which appoints Alburtis Police Chief Tony Alsleben to the pension committee.

The Alburtis Lions Club had an announcement for the Dogs for Diabetes Fundraiser. It will take place June 4 at their facility.

The next item was a dedication for the upper ball field and park. It was decided it would be named after former Parks and Recreation Chair Kathy Raines. An official name will be decided upon at a later meeting.

After discussion on the dedication, the mowing contract was awarded to Saylor’s Lawn and Landscape.

For the next item, the Ultrathin Bonded Wearing Course bid was discussed. It was approved for an escalator clause, which allows for higher bidding if costs continue to rise.

Ott Consulting finished its review of the bids for the Chestnut Circle Stormwater Improvement Project. The firm recommended awarding the contract to Linde Corporation for a total bid of $180,354. Since this was the lowest bid received, the bid was approved and awarded.

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services was next on the agenda. The agency is holding a program for anyone struggling financially due to COVID-19 related issues. They are awarding money to families in need. Council approved the motion to submit for the program.

The PA One Call Refund was received in the amount of $153.71. This is a small refund from the state to the borough.

The next Alburtis Borough Council meeting will be held 7 p.m. April 13 at Alburtis Borough Hall, 260 Franklin St.