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Main Streets focus remains on community

Catasauqua Main Streets is a unique volunteer community organization with a mission to revitalize the borough through “art and beautification.”

The group was founded around 2000 and has a history of serving and improving Catasauqua. Over the years, the group has been involved in numerous civic projects in Catasauqua to help and promote businesses and beautify the borough. Main Streets is staffed by volunteers who want to better Catasauqua.

Main Streets receives about $8,000 annually from the borough budget to help fund its projects and initiatives.

At an early February 2022 Catasauqua Borough Council meeting, council members considered reopening the 2022 budget to examine the expenditures of volunteer organizations like Main Streets, Catasauqua Public Library, George Taylor House and others that receive funding from the borough budget.

Some council members wanted to learn if these dollars are being spent wisely and produce accountability for their expenditures. The reopening of the budget did not occur.

Councilwoman Jill Smerdon, along with other new council members, led the re-examination effort. Smerdon reported her position is to increase transparency and accountability to the Catasauqua taxpayers.

After the budget reopening did not occur, Smerdon assisted to develop an application for all nonprofit organizations and individuals who receive borough dollars to complete before receiving taxpayer money. At a recent council meeting, this application was discussed and disputed by other council members.

Councilman Cameron Smith said he felt the proposed application process will amount to micromanaging the organizations. Smith stated these volunteers are trustworthy.

”I don’t want to see these volunteers quitting,” he said.

Smith noted it is difficult to find active volunteers, and micromanaging them may drive them away from volunteering.

As far as Main Streets is concerned, Smith said the $8,000 funding the group receives is spent to help the borough.

Chairman of the public works committee, Smith noted the borough’s public works department is very busy, and he does not want the staff spending their time doing things like washing flower pots and planting flowers.

Smith said Main Streets usually does these activities, which saves the borough money and allows the public works department to focus on other tasks.

Smith questioned the validity of this new process when the budget expenditure approval process is reviewed by the borough treasurer and borough manager. Council also reviews all expenditures and signs off on the payment after review.

Main Streets leader Kim Brubaker suggests residents look around town, and they will see Main Streets footprints, such as the community sign at the Pine Street bridge, painted murals at various locations in the borough, the plants in planters around the borough, streetscape items, solar lights, American flags on Howertown Road, landscaping at welcome signs in the borough and more.

Main Streets operates a Facebook page that allows businesses and others to promote activities on social media to strengthen collaboration in the Catasauqua community.

Catasauqua Main Streets maintains the community sign at Pine and Front streets to promote events happening in the borough.
PRESS PHOTOS BY BILL LEINER JR. An elaborate mural welcoming people to Catasauqua is a result of efforts by the Main Streets group.
PRESS PHOTO BY BILL LEINER JR. Catasauqua Main Streets is involved with numerous initiatives to better Catasauqua.