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Phase VI Streetscape project tabled

During the March 21 Macungie Borough Council meeting, Borough Engineer Stan Wojciechowski notified council of the low bid received for the Phase VI Streetscape project from Columbia Excavating for $257,775. Columbia is currently working on Phase V. This project was tabled as there were only four council members present with Carl Sell voting no.

Two Emmaus Public Library representatives attended the meeting – Library Board President Anne Zayaitz and Library Director Maryellen Kanarr to talk about upcoming library events. The Friends of the Emmaus Public Library’s 22nd annual book sale will be held at Lower Macungie Middle School 6-8 p.m. April 22 and 7 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. April 23.

The second annual Tee Time at the Library is a mini-golf fundraiser inside the library which will be held 6-9 p.m. April 29 (adults only) and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 30 for families. Tickets are available through the library’s website at www.emmauspl.org/tee-time.

The Emmaus Arts Commission generously donated a futuristic hydroponic garden received through a grant. It is in the children’s library and can be viewed through the windows.

The summer reading club will begin June 13 and continue through Aug. 13. The theme will be “Oceans of Possibilities.” There will be an outdoor kickoff party 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 18 for all ages. Dave Fry, Kona Ice, Grateful Dogs food truck, games, prizes and more are some of the activities planned.

Items at the library include jigsaw puzzles, museum passes and e-books. There are free public computers and Wi-Fi. Zayaitz and Kanarr expressed thanks to Macungie for their support.

The Macungie Institute, 510 E. Main St., Macungie, will host a grand reopening noon to 4 p.m. April 2. This is a free family event consisting of Star the Pony from Equi-librium, a bounce house, a balloon twister, crafts for kids, food, Macungie firetruck tours, historical society museum tours, craft vendors, pet adoptions through Logan’s heroes, door prizes and other events. Darlene Misselbeck, the institute’s new manager, is excited to get things going. Misselbeck said the building is beautiful and historic. There is a social media page where events and classes are noted. The website is macungieinstitute.com. In a month’s time, the Facebook page has increased traffic substantially.

Macungie Police Department Sgt. Travis Kocher gave his monthly report. There were 141 incidents this year during February. Last year there were 111 during the same period. Traffic citations were up from last year at 11.

Mountain Creek and the Hickory Street bridge were discussed. The stone walls on the creek need to be repaired. There is concern about flooding and further damage to the wall which could then damage the bridge on Route 100.

Jeffrey L. Hartman was appointed to the zoning hearing board. Three people applied for the vacancy on council. Ronald Karboski was appointed. Council thanked all applicants.