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Lower Milford Fire Department awarded almost 10K from ARPA funds

The Lower Milford Board of Supervisors held its monthly meeting at the Lower Milford Township building with numerous items on the agenda, including a rule enactment to supervisor meetings and American Rescue Plan Funds awarded to Lower Milford Fire Department #1.

Supervisor Chair Donna Wright and Solicitor Mark Cappuccio were not in attendance. There were only two supervisors attending the night, Ellen Koplin and Lowell Linde.

The meeting began with an announcement of an executive session Feb. 17 regarding litigation and personnel.

The bill list totaled $47,818.23 from Feb. 16 through March 15.

In the township administrator’s report, Emily Fucci said the township had purchased a new 2022 Ford F-550 with a dump body. Additionally, she urged residents to save the date for the Lower Milford Township 20th Annual Fall Festival scheduled 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 24. The event will be rain or shine.

Public Works highlighted storm preparation and general maintenance around township buildings. For the roads, there were pothole repairs on various roads and they restoned muddy areas on Buhman Road.

In new business, Resolution 2022-4 was adopted for rules of conduct for meetings of the board of supervisors. There were 12 different guidelines set. Most were already commonplace, but no rules were formerly set before this meeting. Of note, public comments will be capped at five minutes, and if a group speaks, then they will be capped at 15 minutes.

Resolution 2022-5 authorizes a cap for the Lower Milford Township purchase of agricultural conservation easements within township boundaries. The cap is set at $100 per acre. State regulations require easements be purchased on farms of a minimum of 50 acres in size or at least 35 acres if a county adopts to allow farms of that size. This helps keep the quality of the farmland.

Resolution 2022-6 authorizes the township administrator/manager or township solicitor to sign necessary documents to enter into an agreement to purchase an agricultural easement.

All resolutions were approved.

The Lower Milford Township Fire Police was requested for assistance with traffic control during the Coopersburg 5K May 28. This was approved.

A recreation and open space board representative requested they be possibly moved into another group, such as the planning commission, or to disband the board, as they don’t feel they are truly needed anymore. There has been almost no action with the recreation and open space board for the past couple of years.

Koplin suggested scaling back to an optional committee to meet if needed. They could gather when they think there is something important and make suggestions to the township on things needed for the parks and open spaces, mainly the park. Township Secretary Stacy Smith is on the recreation and open space board and said she and Fucci could also help make improvements to and maintain the park area. Smith will act as a liaison between the board and the township. This was approved.

Next, the 2022 lawn care quote was awarded to Little Creek Farm. Last year, it was around $7,000, although questions about the total cost was raised by a resident in attendance. This year’s quote was raised to $10,800. Linde requested this be postponed to wait for more bids. The township decided to push the decision. A suggestion from the same resident was to possibly hire some seasonal or summer help rather than pay someone a high yearly contract. All options will be reviewed.

A few roads are in review to become vacated including a portion called Clover Lane off Vera Cruz Road, which was never part of the public road system but was being maintained. Janes Lane serves one property owner and is basically a driveway. Lastly mentioned was Spring Road, a road known to flood regularly. This was approved for advertisement.

American Rescue Plan Funds were awarded to the Lower Milford Fire Company for COVID-19 related losses. The lost revenue from the carnival in 2021, the boot drives and the rental income for the building to hold auctions were cited. The total amount awarded was $9,176.

A Trius plow purchase was approved for the new 2022 Ford F-550. The cost totaled $21,014. This was a co-stars purchase through the state.

Fucci then proposed an amendment to the 2022 collective bargaining agreement for public works wage adjustments. The public works foreman will get a pay increase from $31 to $35 an hour and the public works laborer will see a raise of $20 to $23 an hour. These increases total over $11,000 per year. This amendment was approved.

The last item in new business was to authorize the advertisement of road bids for seal coating work. Last year, “it fell behind and was a disaster,” Koplin said. This will get ahead of deteriorating road conditions around the township to avoid another bad year. This was approved.

In correspondence, the Crime Victims Council announced its annual spring plant sale, which will be posted on the Lower Milford Township website.

Additionally, The Seed Farm’s upcoming Farm to Fork Fundraiser was announced. This will take place at The Seed Farm June 26. They are looking for farming vendors, as well as sponsors. Visitors need to buy tickets to attend the event.

The meeting was adjourned after comments about issues with a Hoffman Lane property.

The next Lower Milford Board of Supervisors regular meeting will take place 6:30 p.m. April 21 at 7607 Chestnut Hill Church Road.