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Hanover municipal building reopens to public

The Hanover Township, Lehigh County, Municipal Building, 2202 Grove St., has reopened to the public during regular business hours.

Township Manager Melissa Wehr announced during the March 16 council meeting that masks are still required for visitors and social distancing regulations will remain in place.

The township is also accepting park pavilion rentals at this time.

Wehr mentioned the township is looking for a full-time receptionist. Applications are due by 3 p.m. March 31 in person. For more information, visit the township website, hanleco.org, or Facebook page.

Township Engineer Al Kortze announced the city of Bethlehem has agreed to replace the water line that caused recent flooding issues on Tacoma Street. Kortze explained this came to fruition with the help of Wehr, who brought the issue to the city’s attention. The water line is planned to be replaced this year.

Kortze was given authorization to advertise bids for the Allendale sewer infrastructure line upgrades. The project plans to replace sewer pipes that are in poor condition and provide slip-lining maintenance in areas still in decent shape. More information will follow.

Resolution 2022-27 was tabled for a second time. This item concerns Han-Le-Co Fire Company and the township’s match fund contribution. The resolution was tabled due to Attorney Jackson Eaton’s absence. The item is set to appear on the April 6 meeting agenda.

Council did approve an authorization for Wehr to move funds from the capital reserve for the roof and HVAC unit replacement at the fire station. Funds must be transferred because this project was not originally budgeted for this year; however, a recent inspection revealed the building was utilizing the original roof from the 1980s.

Josef Fragnito, public works maintenance supervisor, agreed it needed replacing.

Fragnito also mentioned the public works crew will begin street sweeping April 1, and it will run until October. The crew is also working on transitioning seasons and getting the parks ready for the coming warmer days.

Council will next meet 7:30 p.m. April 6 at the municipal building. To view the agenda ahead of time, visit hanleco.org.