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Addition planned for Seven Generations School

Emmaus Borough Council met March 21 and awarded the lawn mowing and trimming bid to Allyear Inc Landscaping. This company has been awarded the contract yearly since Borough Manager Shane Pepe began working for the borough.

In new business, two new ordinances were read.

Ordinance 1225 is “an ordinance amending part 1, street excavations, chapter 21 §111 of the codified ordinances, amending sections related to resurfacing requirements of street openings.” This means if someone wants to resurface a borough road, an example would be putting a gas line in, then the road surface needs to be restored to its previous condition or better. This will save taxpayer money because the borough will not have to foot the bill for unsatisfactory road conditions after work is done.

Ordinance 1226 is “an ordinance amending part 4, chapter 15 §403 and chapter 15 §601 of the codified ordinances, establishing parking restrictions on the public street and parking lot adjacent to the Emmaus Police Department.”

There were two resolutions in health, sanitation and codes.

Resolution 2022–14 was approved, granting conditional approval and waivers for the 303 Franklin St. development.

Resolution 2022–15 was approved, granting conditional approval and waivers for the 33 East Minor St. development.

Additionally, a waiver request was approved for Seven Generations Charter School. It was stated there will be a thorough review of this project. This is connected to the approval at 33 East Minor St., as the school will be building a 4,000 square foot addition at the location which is a previous Rodale property.

The hiring of a full-time paramedic was announced during public safety.

In the borough manager’s report, Pepe said renovation meetings are going well and construction is going as planned. Of note, there was additional asbestos discovered in the basement of borough hall that will need to be removed. The renovations are still a good amount of time from being complete.

There were no items or personal appeals. The meeting closed with an executive session on personnel and real estate matters.

The next Emmaus Borough Council meeting will be held 7 p.m. April 4 at St. John’s UCC, 139 N. Fourth St., Emmaus due to the renovations taking place at Emmaus Borough Hall.