Published March 16. 2022 11:17AM
The next soup, bread and discussion event is set for 6-7 p.m. March 23 at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 18 S. Third St. This gathering is a fellowship event and features a simple soup and bread meal and a discussion of current happenings.
Reminder: If you placed an order for a baked ziti dinner from St. John’s, drive-thru pickup is 4-5:30 p.m. March 19 at the church.
The church is also holding a homemade potato filling sale. Pickups will be 1-3:30 p.m. April 8 and 9 a.m.-noon April 9.
The deadline to order is April 1. Call Karen at 610-653-2816.
Don’t forget: If you ordered pierogies from Coplay Public Library’s fundraiser, pickup will be 3 p.m. March 25 at the library, 49 S. Fifth St.
Also, the library will be holding a book and bake sale 11 a.m.-4 p.m. April 1 and 2.
The borough is looking for a person or organization to run the Coplay Pool concession stand. People are also needed to fill the positions of pavilion cleaner, pool manager and pool lifeguards. The deadline to apply is March 31.
Additionally, the public works department is planning to hire two part-time summer help workers.
Call 610-262-6088 for more information or to apply.
The heritage committee of Coplay Saengerbund, 205 S. Fifth St., is planning a Venetian celebration in April. The Emil Schanta Band will provide entertainment.
Additionally, the committee is planning its Oktoberfest event in September.
Stay tuned for more information on both events.
To have an announcement or to share something in this column, email or text 610-751-2745.