Coplay pool to open for season June 17
During Coplay Borough Council’s meeting March 8, council announced the borough’s Parkway Pool will open for the season June 17.
In addition, council voted in favor of increasing the wages for lifeguards. Starting lifeguards will receive $11 per hour. Returning lifeguard wages are set at $12 per hour, and head lifeguard wages are set at $13 per hour. Lastly, the approval was given to increase the pool manager’s salary to $400 per week.
Approval was given to Coplay Sports to use the gym at the municipal building 6-8 p.m. March 10 to April 7 for T-ball practice.
Councilman Rick Kern indicated that if plans move forward accordingly, the new playground equipment at Saylor Park should be installed by Easter, April 17. Also, the equipment for the tot lot playground improvement plan is being ordered.
A motion was made to approve Currie Grove LLC as the installer for the playground equipment in the amount of $18,800. These funds were made available under the Local Share Account’s No. 2 grant. Council voted, and this motion was carried unanimously.
Approval was given to Pediatric Cancer Foundation of the Lehigh Valley on a request to waive the pavilion rental fee for an event Sept. 10 and 11. The foundation will be holding its 13th annual Ready, Set, Gold 5-K walk, 8-K run and Kids’ Fun Run Sept. 10 on the Ironton Rail Trail.
Council voted on and approved using DCR Technology for computer services for the borough.
The amendment of Ordinance 849 was approved by council. This modification requires people hauling their own waste or contracting others to haul waste to keep records. Furthermore, the amendment states all persons are required to have waste services.
G.H. Harris Associates Inc., will collect outstanding 2021 borough per capita taxes in the amount of $3,036 as a result of a favorable vote by council.
Council approved the resignation of Michael Dreisbach from the zoning board committee. Dreisbach is now a borough council member.