8 DAYS A WEEK: Your look at Valley Arts Tweet Published March 12. 2022 12:19AM “Muses at The Ice House,” 4 p.m. March 12. Singer-songwriters Emily Barnes, Brittany Ann Tranbaugh (above), Christine Havrilla, Grace Morrison, No Fuss and Feathers, who have performed at the “Muses In The Vineyard” festivals, are doing a benefit for Godfrey Daniels at the Charles A. Brown Ice House, Sand Island, Bethlehem. Emily Barnes is based in Denver, Col. Brittany Ann Tranbaugh, of Forks Township and based in Philadelphia, joins with Lehigh Valley natives Joe Plowman and Kevin Brosky. Christine Havrilla is from Delaware. Grace Morrison is from Cape Cod, Mass. No Fuss and Feathers is Catherine Miles, Jay Mafale, Karyn Oliver and Carolann Solebello. Tickets: https://godfreydaniels.org/event/muses-at-the-icehouse/ ; 610-867-2390 CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Judge Marks denies Patty Rorrer’s request for post-conviction relief Gives her 20 days to submit claims to the court, including ineffectiveness of counsel