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‘RENT School Edition’ opens March 10

Salisbury High School Theater will perform the spring musical, “RENT School Edition,” 7 p.m. March 10, 11 and 12 and 2 p.m. March 13 in the school auditorium.

RENT takes place in New York City in the 1990s where a group of friends declare the East Village as their home. The height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic isn’t the only worry as the group struggles to afford the cost of living in such a diverse city.

The show is directed and choreographed by Shannon Barry O’Grady who grew up surrounded by the theater and has been in love with the process ever since.

She has been directing for Salisbury for a year and had this to say upon her cast and crew. “I love my job and students, I feel so lucky to be able to tell this story. I adore every single one of them.”

Zach Montenegro is the musical director, Chris West designed the set and Scott Ross designed the lighting for the show. Costume and prop design is by O’Grady.

Stage managers are Clair Nichols and Hailey Bender. The guitarist is Chad A. Miller.

The poster/program design art was created by Trent Renelli. Spot operator is Nathan Staack.

The build/paint/costume crew includes: Nathan Staack, Robin Daw, Mady Williams, Nadia Boujelajel, Gage Cunningham, Ginna Pozzi, with gifts from Jerry Brucker and loans from Pennsylvania Playhouse.

Voice over talents include: Brittany Bernard, Phillip W. Bernard Sr., Keren Lozada, Heather Morningstar and Jackie WIlliams.

Senior spotlights highlighted in the play are Crystalis Herrera as Tom Collins, Gabriella Lozado as Mimi Marquez and , Trent Renelli as Mark Cohen.

Crystalis has been involved with Salisbury’s theater program since the fall 2021 play. She sees herself doing theater at University of Scranton while majoring in neuroscience. She describes her character in RENT as heartfelt and the go-to friend who lives through the hardships of life as her friend group has no money for rent and building relationships through hard times is crucial.

Cast members have been preparing for about three months and they are exhilarated to share their work with everyone.

Tickets can be purchased at the main entrance or can be preordered online by visiting https://salisburysd.hometownticketing.com/embed/all. Tickets are free for senior citizens who live in Salisbury Township.

PRESS PHOTO BY C. RICHARD CHARTRAND The cast of “RENT School Edition” includes, front row, sitting, left to right: Grace Spellacy, Trent Renelli, Gabriella Lozada, Madlyn Williams, Chloe Jarjous, Crystalis Herrera, Bella Natosi and Mia Bernard; back row, standing from left to right: Starr Montevallo, PJ Juhasz, Nadia Joanne Boujelajel, Stuart Carl, Faith Spellacy, Karina Hernandez, Knyla DelValle and Cassandra Daw.
Madlyn Williams and Trent Renelli perform a scene during dress rehearsal March 6 for “RENT School Edition” at Salisbury High School.
Trent Renelli, Gabriella Lozada and Grace Spellacy rehearse a scene from “RENT School Edition” which will be presented at Salisbury High School March 10-13.
PRESS PHOTOS BY C. RICHARD CHARTRAND Trent Renelli, Madlyn Williams and Crystalis Herrera rehearse a scene March 6 at Salisbury High School.
Salisbury High School students rehearse a scene from 'RENT School Edition' March 6. The show opens March 10 and runs through March 13.
Madlyn Williams plays guitar during a scene from 'RENT School Edition.'