Published March 04. 2022 08:09AM
Considering the 15-year-old Russian figure skater who was accused of taking prohibited medication, do you think age 15 is too young for Olympic competition? Should there be a minimum age set for Olympic competitors?
“I think children under 18 should not be under that much pressure. I couldn't imagine being 15 years old and asked to compete at such a high level and pressure.” Raya Abdelaal Nazareth
“Yes, because when you are older, you have different strength, so there should be a certain (minimum) age.” Akira Roman Bethlehem
“I think younger athletes should compete, but it has to be their decision, and better consider-ation should be made for their health and welfare.” Jennifer Nagle Macungie
“Under 18 is too young, could be considered child abuse by parents and coaches.” Michelle Scales Emmaus
“Yes, too much emotional stress is put on athletes, teenagers shouldn't have to deal with that kind of thing.” Jess Banks Easton
“I think competi-tors should be 18 or older, adults are best responsi-ble for their own decisions.” Michelle Adler Emmaus