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Roughies Report: Rivera earns third place in conference

Congratulations to Catasauqua High School and LCTI student Tyler Rivera, who qualified for the Pennsylvania Future Business Leaders of America 2022 State Leadership Conference by taking third place in Network Design at the Region 28 virtual contest held last month.

Rivera will compete at the state competition in Hershey, scheduled for April 11-13. Top finishers at this event will then have an opportunity to showcase their knowledge and skills at the national competition this summer in Chicago.


Time is running out to purchase your Krispy Kreme doughnuts from any member of the Class of 2025. If you are interested in supporting the students’ fundraising efforts, reach out today.

All orders are due no later than 2 p.m. Feb. 25.

Doughnut pickup is scheduled for March 6.


Catasauqua Area School District is looking to hire CHS students to work five hours a day, four days a week throughout the summer months for the building and grounds department. Application packets are now available in the CHS main office. Interviews will be held during school hours the week of March 28.

The deadline to submit your resume and completed packet is March 16.