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Hanover council updates personnel complaint policy

During its Feb. 16 meeting, Hanover Township, Lehigh County, Council formally updated the policy regarding filing personnel complaints in order to minimize the discussion during public meetings. This was in response to the ongoing concerns between the township and the Han-Le-Co Fire Company.

The council, advised by township Attorney Jackson Eaton III, announced any personnel complaints must be submitted in writing to the township manager. If matters do not resolve, a 15-minute executive session will be scheduled with council. All complaints heard during public meetings will be limited to five minutes per person.

Candy Dannenhower, fire police officer and executive board member, submitted the fire company’s formal complaint against township Manager Melissa Wehr in writing to both the council and Wehr during the Feb. 16 meeting. This matter will now become a closed conversation until resolved, and then a public announcement will be made.

In addition to personnel complaints, the fire company had been approaching council seeking the release of a $15,000 matched funds check, which had reportedly not been released due to incomplete paperwork, according to Wehr.

Councilman Robert Heimbecker proposed a motion to transition the matched funds to a donation, which would reduce the amount of paperwork required to release the check. Eaton noted council would be able to make the transition but explained the fire company would still be responsible for providing the paperwork proving it had raised the required funds first.

Vice Chairman Michael Woolley and Councilman Rick Tocci were in favor of the motion, as the conflict has gone unresolved for months. Council Chairman Bruce Paulus raised the point that this is still taxpayer money, so requesting a detailed invoice report would not be out of the question.

Council passed the motion, and the matched donation of $15,000 will be released to the fire company.

In other business, council awarded the bid for waste management and recycling to J.P. Mascaro and Sons. Under this new contract, residents will be permitted up to four containers for waste and recycling, and collection will not begin until 7 a.m.

Council passed Resolution 2022-26, appointing William Fries as the new township zoning and hearing board attorney. Fries will be replacing the late Mark Malkames.

The meeting closed with a discussion on COVID-19 restrictions and policies within the township building at the request of Tocci. His main concern pertained to available seating during the council meetings.

Ultimately, council agreed to leave the decision in the hands of Wehr, who is present in the building every day and should be entitled to the protocols. No changes were made, but Wehr advised she would end the township’s emergency declaration policy when Lehigh County does.

The next council meeting will take place 7:30 p.m. March 2 at the municipal building, 2202 Grove Road. To view the agenda ahead of time, visit the township website, hanleco.org.