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Fire department and public works department new trucks approved in Lower Milford

Feb. 17 marked the monthly Lower Milford Township Board of Supervisors regular meeting.

It was announced there was an executive session regarding litigation and personnel before the meeting.

Following that, public comments were called for with no one stepping to the microphone. The meeting minutes from the previous month were approved.

The treasurer’s report for the months of December 2021 and January were read and approved. Each month’s general fund totaled a little over $1.3 million. The February bills were then approved.

In the township administrator report, Emily Fucci highlighted road work, zoning hearings, meetings and a lot of paperwork completed over the past month.

The township secretary reiterated some of the same things, along with several training items. In her report, she relayed resident concerns regarding road conditions during storms.

There were no highlights in the zoning report. The public works report showed storm work, debris cleaning and maintenance to some equipment.

The Lower Milford Fire Department report contained the full year major incident numbers for 2021. There were 18 fire incidents, 21 hazardous conditions and 40 rescue and emergency medical service incidents.

Ryan Fields, the Southern Lehigh Library representative, asked for more funding from the township, as he has been for the past several months. Supervising Chair Donna Wright spoke into the microphone the amount allocated was $2,339.

The conversation turned into how the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 funds might be able to help; however, a more comprehensive report is needed before the money can be expensed. Fields and the township administrator will discuss how to come up with a potential amount. They need to figure out what the library can take from the ARPA funds.

In new business, the first item was a short presentation from state Rep. Milou Mackenzie, R-131st. She wanted to appear at the meeting and let everyone know she has an office in Emmaus and that she, or her staff, welcome conversation from residents. She also said one of her main goals is to lobby for no tax increases while she is in Harrisburg. She sits on four different commissions for Pennsylvania.

Supervisor Donna Wright let Mackenzie know one of the biggest concerns is the semi-truck traffic on Limeport Pike and King’s Highway. Multiple times a year, there is road damage, crashes or broken down trucks, which creates heavy traffic.

Next, a Lower Milford Fire Department representative made a presentation on a new truck needed for the fire company. He mentioned it will be a new brush truck. They have a 60-day window to purchase the truck. The truck is estimated to cost a little under $340,000. The truck still needs to be built and it was said it might not be complete until 2023. The board approved the purchase of the truck.

Following this truck conversation, the township had a discussion on the purchase of a new township truck. A township employee was driving the township’s 2004 F-550 and was involved in an accident. The truck was totaled and needs to be replaced.

A 2022 Heavy Duty F-550 has been found for purchase. The truck with the dump body will cost just over $73,000. The board approved the purchase.

The next discussion was on limiting the time frame for public comments. Currently, there is no time frame. Many other municipalities confine public comments to around four or five minutes. It was decided the solicitor would look over other township rules and see if there is some language that would be fair. Wright did not want to make anything up on the spot.

Next, the board gave approval for the bidding phase to begin for the replacement of the township building’s HVAC unit #2 and garage roof.

Supervisor Ellen Koplin brought an idea to have the road area in front of the township’s Pine Street property surveyed so they may create a yard waste area for residents. There is nothing on the property now, but there are still questions on if the property is a feasible location. The board gave approval for the survey.

Approval was given for an amendment regarding the social media policy in the employee handbook. It better addresses employees who have personal social media profiles. It lets employees know the township can see what is being posted and to be careful online.

The last few items were short acknowledgments.

Cassel Road Bridge will be closed March 1 through Nov. 4.

Ronald Thorton and James Johnson handed in resignation letters from the recreation and open space board. Additionally, Elaine Snovitch resigned from her position as emergency management coordinator.

The next Lower Milford Board of Supervisors regular meeting will be held 6:30 p.m. March 17 in the Lower Milford Township Building, 7607 Chestnut Hill Church Road, Coopersburg.