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District News: Registration is open for Moore Elementary’s Boosterthon

Moore Elementary School’s Glow Run Boosterthon kickoff was Feb. 23. The big event is set for March 4.

The school’s goal was to get every family to register by Feb. 23 and to raise $12,000 for classroom resources.

Registration is open. Check out how you can register today at vimeo.com/569055671/d1bae2c505.


March 4 is the end of the elementary second trimester. Report cards will be available on the Sapphire community web portal by March 18.


Registration is now open for an adult physical education class (part of Northampton Area School District’s community education program), scheduled for 6:45-8 p.m. March 10, 17, 24 and 31, with a makeup date of April 7. Sign up to enjoy games like volleyball, floor hockey, dodge ball, indoor soccer, team handball, krazy kickball, basketball, ultimate Frisbee, flickerball, pickleball and more.

Open to all residents and nonresidents, the class will be held in the Siegfried Elementary School gymnasium, 1677 Lincoln Ave.

The price is $40 a session; a minimum of 12 participants is required. The instructor will be Joseph Billy.

Yoga will also be offered as another adult physical education class. The class is four weeks for $25. The drop-in fee is $7. It will be held 7-8 p.m. Wednesdays, March 23 and 30 and April 6 and 13, with a makeup class April 20. It is level one and beginner friendly.

The teacher will provide clear direction and cues for each pose. Students will also be introduced to breathing techniques and meditation.

Sign up for classes using the My Schoolbucks link on the NASD website, nasdschools.org.

For more class information and details, contact Sandy Bischof at bischofs@nasdschools.org.


The deadline to sign up to be a career day presenter at Moore Elementary is April 15.

There are full- or half-day slots available. The event will be May 26 at the school, 2835 Mountain View Drive.

For more information, contact Mrs. Dremock at haldamana@nasdschools.org or call the school at 610-837-1859.


Reminder for Northampton Area High School students: With no ID, you must sign into the office when you come into the building. If you don’t sign in, you will be marked absent. See a secretary if you don’t have an ID.

If you come into the building before class starts, report to the auditorium until the bell rings. Do not head to your class and hang out in the halls until your class starts.


Do you have any school news? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in the NASD. Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “Northampton school news” in the subject line at least a week before an event.