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CMS News: Mid-marking period for middle school students will be Feb. 25

The middle of the third marking period at Catasauqua Middle School will be Feb. 25.


The Strengthening Families program continues 5:30-8 p.m. Mondays, and the remaining dates are Feb. 28 and March 7 and 14. A free meal is the first part of the program each night.

This is a fun evening for all members of the family. Free child care is available for any children under age 10.

For more information and to register, contact Amy Dymond-Jones at dymondjones@cattysd.org or 610-264-4341.


Support the CMS eighth-grade class with a bingo event, planned for noon March 5 at American Legion Post 215, 330 Second St., Catasauqua.


Reminder: Parents/guardians of remote-learning students may order five days’ worth of a breakfast and a lunch per weekday. To order, send a new email by noon Wednesdays to nagyl@cattysd.org and include the student’s name and grade and the dates covered by the meals being requested. Weekly order pickups are 9:30 a.m. Thursdays. Ring the doorbell at the kitchen door in front of Sheckler Elementary School.


If you have any school news or updates for this column, email the information to sanderson@tnonline.com, and I’ll be sure to include it in an upcoming column.