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Allen continues sewage plan work

Allen Township Board of Supervisors, during its Feb. 8 meeting, discussed the outcome of the meeting with Northampton Borough concerning the township’s Act 537 plan.

Representatives from the Department of Environmental Protection were also present at the meeting. The meeting went well, it was mentioned, and the township is on track to continue working with both Northampton and Catasauqua boroughs.

The state’s Act 537 program requires that all municipalities must develop and implement a comprehensive official sewage management plan that addresses their present and future sewage disposal needs.

A preliminary plan is due March 3, and the final plan, including addressing comments from various boards, planning commissions and members of the public, is due May 20.

Tim Tepes and Ed Deichmeister suggested acquiring sewer equivalent dwelling units (edus) from Northampton for their subdivision plans.

Tim Livengood, another developer in the township, got his edus from the borough. What happened, according to Andrea Martin, was that Livengood had a private agreement, which the township wrongfully thought it had no choice but to accept.

Solicitor Lincoln Treadwell also said both subdivisions are included in the Act 537 plan discussed earlier in the meeting.

Further, reportedly, the borough had previously said it wouldn’t sell any more edus to the township without a higher quarterly rate. As long as Northampton is open to selling edus again, the township indicated it will get its payments sent.

In other business, supervisors approved the purchase of a $7,000 replacement Xylem submersible water pump for the Willow Green pump station, which is currently running on one pump. The public works department is also waiting on two additional replacement pumps to be refurbished.

The township’s dog park will be closed through mid/late April depending on the freeze and thaw cycles.

The board will next meet 7 p.m. March 8 at Allen Township Fire Department, 3530 Howertown Road.