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Three plans reviewed by Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission

The Feb. 8 meeting of the Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission included three applicants, Posh Properties, Old Saucon Investments and proposed town homes on South Krocks Road.

The Posh Properties plan involved a day care center with an indoor self-storage building in the back of the lot. The project was represented by Erich Schock, of Fitzpatrick Lentz and Bubba. The property would also have a stormwater basin in the rear of the lot. There was a discussion about buffering and landscaping on the property.

The planning commission asked about emergency access on the property. Township Engineer Brian Cicak talked about the tight corners on the plan. Schock decided to recycle the submission for next month as long as they receive a clean letter from the fire marshal.

The planning commission unanimously approved a recommendation of the conditional use plan, but decided to table action on the preliminary final plan.

The second applicant was Old Saucon Investments, whose plan comprised of an outdoor patio at the Shelby in Hamilton Crossings. The project would involve building a greenhouse structure for dining. The outdoor patio would also include some seating, fire pits and landscaping.

The project was represented by Matt Longenberger, of Boher Engineering. Longenberger said they would not be increasing seating on the site, but moving inside seating into the greenhouse area.

He also said the public gathering area on the property would be reduced but will remain intact. There was talk about the drainage system on the greenhouse structure.

The planning commission unanimously recommended approval of the modification of a previously approved plan.

The final plan discussed was proposed town homes at South Krocks Road. The applicant showed two options in sketch plans.

The planning commission brought up the geotechnical issue that the site had a mine hole pond on the property at some point in the past. There was a discussion about emergency access to the property.

The applicant was represented by Joe Rentko, of Black Forest Engineering. The property would have a 24-foot driveway with one way in and out. It was agreed the second option was preferable. The property would have 10 town homes.

There was a discussion about tightening up the loop road and moving the units closer to Krocks Road so there can be more space between the town homes. The planning commission asked Rentko to look into and research the geotechnical issue further as well as getting a study done before continuing with the sketch plan.

There was also talk about Krocks Road widening and improvements.

The next Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission meeting will be March 8. Usually the planning commission meets the second Tuesday of every month and occasionally there is a workshop meeting on the third Tuesday of the month.

Workshops begin 6 p.m. while meetings begin 7 p.m. and currently all planning commission meetings will be held both in person and over Zoom with a video recording uploaded to the township’s YouTube channel after the fact.