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Students collecting items for The Chemo Bag Project

Students at Salisbury Elementary School are collecting items as part The Chemo Bag Project.

The Chemo Bag Project’s mission is “to uplift and encourage adults undergoing cancer treatments.”

According to their website, each bag is assembled with items handmade or donated with love, encouragement and support, reminding those undergoing cancer treatment that people they have never met are sending their prayers, strength and positive thoughts.

“The Chemo Bag Project compiles gift bags accompanied with at least one handwritten letter which are later distributed to cancer treatment nurses, administrators and social workers with the simple instruction to give the bags to individuals they think are most in need of cheer,” the website states.

Students are collecting items such as adult coloring books, crayons, new lap blankets, hand sanitizer, lip balm, puzzle books, pens, travel sized tissues, greeting cards, comfy socks, hats, notepads/notebooks/journals, unscented hand lotion, water bottles and gum.

Amy Kuhns, St. Luke’s oncology care coordinator, is orchestrating the collection with the school and The Chemo Bag Project.

“It’s a wonderful thing to have the younger members of the community pull together to help,” Kuhns said.

The collection will run through Feb. 25.

For questions, more information or to make a donation, contact Kuhns at 610-703-8607.

The Chemo Bag Project's mission is “to uplift and encourage adults undergoing cancer treatments.” CONTRIBUTED PHOTO