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Salisbury Elementary School celebrates 100 days of school

PRESS PHOTOS BY REBECCA FOEHRKOLB Salisbury Elementary School celebrated 100 days of school Feb. 7. Kristy Wied's class writes on the blackboard 100 things they have learned this year.
Michelle DeOliveira's class stands by the 100th day of school sign purchased by the PTO.
Susan Knight's class stands by the 100th day of school sign. The sign says 100+1 because the 100th day was a virtual day due to snow.
Alizabella Ramos and Jaxon Alvarado from Michaeleen Reinhard's class hold the posters they made for the 100th day of school.
Zoey Kezengwa makes two posters, so her friend Kalina Timofeev is helping her hold them.
Dominick Ruffino, Lynsey Pierre, Grace Bain and Logan Holland from Susan Young's class celebrate 100 days of school.
Dominic Nimeh, Bryce Stauffer, Dylan Surendranauth and Devin Dallip participate in the 100th day of school celebrations.