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North Catasauqua police

North Catasauqua police responded to these and other calls recently.

JAN. 31

A security check was conducted in the 1200 block of Second Street.

Police assisted citizens on Second and Fourth streets.

An abandoned vehicle in the 1400 block of Main Street was investigated.

FEB. 1

Officers were on the scene of a DUI at Fourth and Arch streets.

Threats in the 1000 block of Fourth Street brought police to the scene.

The department investigated a report of fraud in the 1000 block of Front Street.

Police assisted citizens on Fourth and Main Streets.

A traffic violation at Main and Fourth streets brought out police.

FEB. 2

A security check was conducted in the 1400 block of Main Street.

The department investigated parking complaints on Third and Second streets.

Police assisted a citizen in the 1000 block of Second Street.

FEB. 3

Officers were on the scene of a DUI at Fourth and Arch streets.

Security checks were conducted on Main Street and Howertown Road.

Police assisted citizens on Fourth, Penn and Seventh streets.

A hazardous road condition brought officers to the area of Green and Washington streets.

FEB. 4

The department responded to a report of trespassing in the 600 block of Grove Street.

A suspicious vehicle in the 1000 block of Howertown Road was reported.

Police investigated a disturbance in the 1400 block of Main Street.

Security checks were conducted on Main, Grove and Second streets and Howertown Road.

Officers issued parking citations on Second Street.

A parking complaint in the 1100 block of Grove Street was investigated.

FEB. 5

Officers performed security checks on Arch, Eugene and Milton streets.

The department issued parking citations on Arch Street.

Vehicle stops were conducted on Main Street.

A traffic violation brought police to Fourth and Main streets.

Police assisted a citizen in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.