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Berkheimer rates go down in Alburtis

The Borough of Alburtis held its first council meeting of the month Feb. 9 and began without public comment.

In the police report, it was announced 30 citations were handed out since the previous meeting Jan. 26.

The funding for the Boy Scout project including a dedicated pathway with landscaping leading to the Memorial Plaque located at the Alburtis Lockridge Historical Society Building off Church Lane will be through a Wawa hoagie program. Previously, it was reported the fundraiser would be through Subway.

Councilman Stephen Nemeth presented the updates for the upper ball field play set saying he has someone ready to do an estimate for free. Nemeth said he will be meeting with the gentleman within the week to survey the area. Nemeth also said he is ready to submit for four grants that may cover the cost of the entire play set. There are several different play set designs.

It was announced the local Berkheimer rate will be going down slightly, which is good for everyone in Alburtis.

The Service Electric franchise and RCN franchise fees were announced. Service Electric totaled $16,744.23; RCN totaled $13,925.24.

The location of the Alburtis recycling event was discussed. Borough Manager Sharon Trexler said she needs to reach out to Macungie to get it scheduled. It’s not held in Alburtis because they don’t have space to hold it.

A Department of Environmental Protection recycling grant was received in the amount of $3,202.92.

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation said guard rails need to be extended after they inspected the Church Street Bridge.

The last item was a parking space elimination on South Main Street and Front Street. Members of the public spoke to Councilman Hector Moss about eliminating the first parking space on Front Street right in front of the tavern. Moss requested they evaluate eliminating the spot as it is very hard to see traffic coming. Cars block the view when parked at the first spot on the corner.

The next Alburtis Borough meeting will take place 7 p.m. Feb. 23. The meetings are held at the borough office, 260 Franklin St.