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POLICE NEWS - Podcaster with guns


A Bethlehem Township podcaster who cheered the shooting and killing of Pa. State Police officers in 2017 on his show has been arrested, and a great number of unregistered firearms have been confiscated from his residence.

Prosecutors say Joseph Paul Berger, 32, is a threat to the community.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Exploses intercepted a shipment of firearm silencers to his home a year ago, and a subsequent search uncovered a dozen more as well as more than a dozen weapons, many of which had been converted to full automatic firing, and a 3D printer which created untraceable plastic “ghost gun” parts.

The construction of such weapons was a topic of the podcast. Berger, a Navy veteran, is a certified armorer and machinist.

Berger’s father, Joseph R., was also arrested and released on $25,000 bail on the condition he does not possess a gun.

Berger faces up to 30 years in prison, three years of supervised release and a $270,000 fine.