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Jason Apgar sworn in as Emmaus police chief

Emmaus Borough Council met Feb. 7 as the new police chief was sworn in at the beginning of the meeting.

Jason Apgar was sworn in by Mayor Lee Ann Gilbert with enormous support. Apgar has been a staple in the Emmaus Police Department for decades. Numerous members of the Emmaus community were there to thank the new chief, who welcomed all with a handshake and a thank you.

Following the small ceremony, the previous meeting’s minutes were approved.

The Emmaus Borough Hall, central station and police station construction bids were announced. The low estimate of just over $9 million from Skepton Construction was accepted.

In communications, Joshua Grice was approved as a volunteer for the planning commission, Dustin Grim was approved as a volunteer for general authority and Richard Seasholtz was approved as a volunteer for the zoning hearing board. Additionally, Seasholtz’s request to hold the Emmaus 5 Miler was approved for June 4.

Ordinance 1224 was approved in new business. This will add a private, residential disabled parking sign and assign a permitted parking spot in front of 243 Adrain St. A general disabled parking sign will also be placed adjacent to 568 Broad St.

Susan Schmidt was reappointed to the zoning hearing board.

In parks and recreation, the food truck event at Emmaus Community Park was approved for April 30. The event will take place 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The second item was the approval of the purchase of two basketball hoops, an aqua zip, an aqua climb and a 10-foot slide for the pool. Council thanked the assistant borough manager for sourcing all of the new amenities.

Resolution 2022-5 was approved, which closes out the Community Conservation Partnerships Grant Project and assures the commitment Emmaus will utilize the completed comprehensive Parks, Recreation, Greenways, Trails and Park Master Plan for future recreation development and practice.

Resolution 2022-6 approved the application of a Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Park Rehabilitation and Development Grant.

John Stover was reappointed to both the vacancy board and general authority. Solicitor Charles Fonzone and Dustin Grim were reappointed to the general authority, Glen Williard was reappointed to the general authority and Stevens and Lee, which serves as special counsel, was reappointed to the general authority.

Beverly Springer and Dalton Link were reappointed to the Shade Tree Commission.

Christopher Carter was reappointed to the library board.

Resolution 2022-7 was approved for the sale of a rifle to Lehigh County for $1,500.

Resolution 2022-8 was approved, which authorizes the borough manager to sign and apply for traffic signal approval. Additionally, the purchase of an office trailer was approved.

There were several reappointments in community relations, planning and development.

Susan Kowalchuk, Stephen Baier, Kris Thompson and Wendy Bartkus were reappointed to the community garden commission.

Karri Scrheppel, Patty Feninez, Wayne Lawler and Alan Sylvestre were reappointed to the arts commission.

In personal appeals, resident Peter Metz presented a flood response control system at the community pool. Council thought this was a tremendous idea, as the pool has been ruined by flooding in the past.

Borough Manager Shane Pepe announced the hiring of firefighters Richard Schantzenbach and Timothy Kline in his report.

The next Emmaus Borough Council meeting will take place 7 p.m. Feb. 21. The meetings are held at St. John’s UCC, 139 N. Fourth St. Residents can also access the meetings virtually through the borough website.