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EHS names student of the week

Q. In what grade are you currently enrolled?

A. I am currently a senior at Emmaus High School.

Q. Please provide the first names of your family members: parents, siblings and pets.

A. My mom Erica, my dad Dave and my three brothers Matthew, Elias and Isaiah.

Q. What is your favorite subject? Why?

A. Calculus. I like how there is always some sort of answer for every problem, and there are so many methods you can use to get there. Everything is logical.

Q. Have you received any special awards or recognition?

A. The Schadt Strings Scholarships 2020 Recipient, Principal’s Honor Roll every marking period of high school (so far) and National Honor Society.

Q. Are you involved in any extracurricular activities? How has COVID-19 impacted these activities?

A. I am a member of EHS’s orchestra. I am also in two specialized groups - Chamber and Sinfonia - and I have taken private lessons for about 12 years. In addition, I am the secretary of EHS’s first Black Student Union. I was able to participate in all my activities over Zoom during quarantine; however, it was difficult not seeing all of my classmates in person.

Q. What do you consider your biggest challenge to date?

A. Being myself unapologetically. Sometimes I feel as if I have to live my life the way other people want/expect me to.

Q. What is your next goal after high school?

A. I am looking to attend a university out of state, but I am still undecided. I want to major in either sociology or mathematics.

Q. Whom do you admire? Why?

A. I admire my dad. He is not afraid to speak his mind and he pushes you to think beyond the idea of a box. We share many similarities and it’s kind of scary, but he has shaped me into the person I am today.

Q. For what would you like to be remembered?

A. I want to be remembered as someone who always did their best despite all of the circumstances. It’s been a hectic four years, but I enjoyed the journey and I can’t wait to see where life takes me next.

Q. Do you have any advice for your peers?

A. It goes by fast, so don’t stress about grades or drama. Enjoy the experiences while they last and make the most of every situation.