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Dyson keynote speaker at DeSales Black History Month event

MLK, BLM, CRT, BHM - Acronyms we use every day. Within an hour Rev. Dr. Michael Eric Dyson challenged the audience at DeSales University to review and reconsider how we think and apply these abbreviations.

Dyson, a New York Times bestselling author, renowned scholar and educator, is currently a centennial chair and professor of African American and Diaspora Studies in the College of Arts & Science and a professor of Ethics and Society in the Divinity School at Vanderbilt University. Dyson was the first of four guest speakers the DeSales University Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will be hosting during Black History Month.

Dyson’s keynote explored social ideas and constructs that restrict not only people of color, but all people when all truths are ignored. He pointed out “what’s too painful to remember, we choose to forget” and said this is a running theme throughout history. He said Americans tend to focus on one element of history, e.g. slavery, and eliminate or gloss over historical events that proceeded or followed, positive and negative.

Dyson restated black history is American history, that reference to “black” is literal coloring or an ”Epidermal fetish” – a distraction from the real issues, preventing true critical self-inventory.

Dyson explored current race and social justice issues and how as a community we need to advance true equality. His keynote was followed by a question/answer period, continuing the conversation with community and colleagues.

Press photo by Jenn Rago DeSales celebrates Black History Month with the first of four speakers. The keynote speaker, Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, speaks to a full house at DeSales University.