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School district offers bonus pay to bus drivers


Special to The Press

To express appreciation to bus and school vehicle operators who transport students regularly, Parkland School District is offering bonus dollars to the drivers during the second semester, effective Jan. 24 to the final day of school in June 2022.

At a recent meeting, the board approved a memorandum of understanding between the district and the Parkland Education Support Professionals Association.

Drivers who complete both daily runs during the time frame will be eligible for a bonus pay of $500 after 83-87 days and $1,000 after 88-92 days.

If the school year is shortened, or if the district has to go virtual, the days driving behind the wheel would be lowered proportionately.

The bonus pay of $500 would be earned after 81-85 days of driving and the $1,000 after 86-90 days.

The district will provide the one-time bonus money to those PESPA bargaining unit members who meet the eligibility criteria which will be subject to legally required withholdings.

The bonus money will not be included in the employees’ retirement credit.

Only days physically worked are counted in the calculations for the bonus,

The one-time bonus pay memorandum of understanding will expire June 29.

The action to offer bonus pay was undertaken in the interest of maintaining the education program in the district and to encourage the retention of bus drivers.

The document was signed by PESPA President Elizabeth Moyer and Superintendent Dr. Mark Madson.