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Lowhill board discusses fire department payments

Lowhill supervisors had a short in-person and virtual regular meeting on Feb. 3.

The first item was signing the agreement with the five fire departments that serve the township to pay them $1,000 per call, except for pump outs. They will be paid each spring.

Administrator Brian Carl said the only one that changed was Upper Macungie Fire Department.

“The only thing they added was some new wording because the money will go to the township not the fire department,” he explained.

Next was the continued discussion of vacating Poplar Road with the property of David Jaindl on one side of the road and other side owned by the Pennsylvania Game Commission.

According to Carl, there have been back and forth discussions with Jaindl and the game commission.

“He is dealing with the game commission directly right now,” Carl stated. “He is willing to work with them, depending on if they can make a deal.

‘So that is where we are at right now.”

Under new business was the water service agreement with the LCA for public water.

“The direction or map we approved several months ago was having it coming up Route 100, crossing the north side of Kernsville Road, then shooting out to Betz Court and coming in for the warehouse [at 2951 Betz Court],” Carl stated.

Solicitor Justin Schell, with the Steckel and Stopp law office, offered his comments on the wording of the agreement.

“Basically, it is saying the township is fine with the LCA servicing this area that is covered by the addendum but in paragraph 10 they include this extra language that is trying to extend it out to other areas that are not covered by this specific area,” Schell said. “I think if you sign it the way it is you are giving up control in respect to areas that aren’t [in the agreement].”

After some discussion, Carl suggested to the board to extend the water lines out to where the old cell tower was and that they amend the LCA agreement, so the board has the say.

The next topic under new business was the resignation of Terry Naugle from the planning commission.

After a brief discussion, the board agreed to accept his resignation as of the night of the meeting leaving an open seat on the planning commission.

The next item on the agenda was hiring Dean Vermeulen as a part-time employee.

The board unanimously approved the hiring at a rate of $22 per hour with no benefits.

The last item was approval of a $2,500 donation to the Northwestern Recreation Commission.

The next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. March 3 in the municipal building.