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East Allen Township passes 2022 budget with no tax hike

At its final meeting for 2021, held Dec. 8, East Allen Township supervisors noted they are ending the year with a feeling of success.

In December 2021, they passed a no-tax-hike budget for 2022. They received a large payout of several hundred thousand dollars from the federal American Rescue Plan Act, which will allow for greater project completion and additional possible equipment purchases.

They successfully navigated 2021, including consideration of a number of development requests via numerous hearings before the board. The challenge is always balancing development with the impulse to maintain the rural character of the township, it was noted.

Despite the success, there are numerous volunteer openings on the township’s boards and commissions.

The board of supervisors is seeking individuals with interest in serving the township on a number of township boards. These are volunteer positions.

Two vacancies exist on the township’s zoning hearing board, which is a quasi-judicial board that renders decisions on specific types of land use applications and appeals.

Two vacancies are also on the township’s planning commission, which is charged with reviewing and acting on matters related to municipal planning and development.

The township’s parks and recreation board has two open positions. A parks and recreation board advises the board of supervisors on matters of recreation policy and the development and maintenance of the township’s parks and open spaces.

There is an open spot on the township’s vacancy board, which is involved with filling a vacancy that may occur if a township supervisor resigns or vacates his or her supervisor role in a non-election year. Although not an active board, the vacancy board is a critical position if there is an unexpected resignation or opening between elections that needs to be filled by appointment.

Additionally, there are two vacancies on the township’s board of auditors.

Contact the township office at 610-262-7961 for greater detail about the duties of these boards and commissions.

If you have an interest in any of these opportunities to serve East Allen Township, visit eatwp.org and request a volunteer form or call the township office.

The township municipal building is located at 5344 Nor-Bath Blvd.