Published January 13. 2022 12:51PM
Special to The Press
Bake these delicious and easy to make cookies and you will receive lots of compliments.
These cookies contain dark chocolate, dried cranberries, oatmeal and ground flaxseed.
And in addition to tasting good, the cookies are made with a few healthy ingredients.
Dried cranberries, high in compounds called tannins, have been linked to a decrease in urinary tract infections, gum disease and some types of ulcers because of their antibacterial effect.
Also, the ground flaxseed and the oatmeal contain almost a gram of dietary fiber.
Ground flaxseed can be found in the refrigerated or freezer department of grocery stores.
If not, buy whole flaxseed and grind it in a coffee grinder or electric chopper.
Flax should be ground as needed.
The oil in flaxseed oxidizes quickly so keep it refrigerated.
Flax is also a source of omega 3 fatty acids which can cut the risk of heart disease.
The egg provides protein, almost 1.3 grams in each cookie, and dark chocolate contains less fat and sugar than milk chocolate.
Each cookie contains only 86 calories.
PRESS PHOTO COURTESY LEANNE HIRSCH The recipe for these Cranberry Chocolate Chip cookies appeared in “The Healing Kitchen” by Ellen Michaud with recipes by Anita Hirsch, (BenBellaBooks, Inc. 2005). The recipe was adapted from a Flax Council of Canada recipe.