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North Catty council approves hiring of two police officers

North Catasauqua Borough Council held the 2022 reorganization meeting Jan. 3, which was immediately followed by the first regular meeting of the new year.

Borough council voted to authorize the full-time hiring of Officers Santiago and Seufert to North Catasauqua Police Department. Roger Scheirer, civil service coordinator, said both officers are in the top three of the borough’s civil service list.

Scheirer, who also serves as assistant director of emergency management, informed council the borough now owns seven dilapidated garages at 408 Buttonwood St.

The garages, which were rented out privately before the borough took ownership of the property, were planned to be vacated and secured by Jan. 10. At the time of the meeting, the borough requested any previous renters get in contact with borough hall to collect their belongings before then.

Scheirer also updated council on the status of the fire department’s trucks. Engine 1831 has passed pump and aerial testing, but engine 1811 failed and is currently in for repairs.

The inspection on the front half of the pump on 1811 has cost $3,450. The findings from that inspection led to an estimate of $15,000 for necessary repairs, but the entire pump has not yet been inspected. According to Scheirer, the borough could be looking at a $70,000-$90,000 bill for a new pump later this year. Borough council did not make any motion on this news, with council President Peter Paone saying they are “still in the information gathering stage.” Scheirer said Catasauqua Fire Department has a truck it is willing to loan in the meantime, if needed.

Catasauqua High School junior Timothy Cline came before council to request permission to use the pavilion at North Catasauqua William J. Albert Memorial Park, 701 Grove St., for his Eagle Scout project later this year. Cline is organizing a food drive across Catasauqua and North Catasauqua boroughs, to be held 9 a.m.-noon March 26. Council granted permission to use the park as one of the collection locations.

Paone gave an update on the storm sewer project, which has been going since early November 2021. Parts of Main Street have been intermittently closed to allow for work to be completed. Paone said residents should expect at least three more days of closure on Main Street over the next month.