District News: No classes for students Jan. 14; WCSD closed Jan. 17
There will be no school Jan. 14 for students. Teachers have a professional development day.
On Jan. 17, Whitehall-Coplay School District will be closed in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
The end of the second marking period will be Jan. 21. Report cards will be sent electronically Jan. 26. Be sure the school has your correct email address to receive your child’s report card and important reminders.
Please stay connected with your child’s education. If you have questions or concerns, contact your child’s teachers.
Mark your calendar for Gockley Elementary School’s School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports program. Students displaying good behavior will be invited to wear their favorite jersey Jan. 28. Students will also have game day - the opportunity to play some special games with their friends.
The winter weather is upon us, and WCSD encourages parents/guardians to discuss arrangements with their children in the case of early dismissals.
During bad weather, WCSD will implement one of the following plans: closing of schools for the day, delayed opening of schools or early dismissals.
Due to weather and traffic conditions, the school/transportation office cannot predict the times for the different bus stops.
Remember to check the WCSD website, whitehallcoplay.org, for weather-related school delays, dismissals and closings. A message will also be sent through the school messenger system.
WCSD’s kindergarten registration process for eligible children for the 2022-23 academic year is underway. The child must be 5 years old before Sept. 1.
The following are the steps for registering your child: Visit whitehallcoplay.org and click Enrollment. Follow all directions to complete the online registration, including uploading all required documents. They include proof of birth (child’s birth certificate, passport, baptismal certificate or notarized parent statement); child’s immunization record; proofs of residency (if you rent, your signed lease agreement, or if you own, your deed or your 2022 real estate tax bill, Whitehall/Coplay moving permit or 2021 per capita tax bill and current utility bill, bank statement or billing statement); and parent photo ID.
You will receive an email from Michelle Khouri, district registrar, confirming your child’s registration or requesting other information.
If you have questions regarding registration, email Khouri at khourim@whitehallcoplay.org.
The volunteer program with St. Luke’s University Health Network is a great opportunity for high school students (ages 14 and older) to receive community service hours, gain professional experience, develop customer service skills that will benefit them in any future profession, make a difference in their community and learn more about the health care environment.
If interested, visit the counseling website under Announcements for more information and the link to apply.
Do you have any WCSD news? Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTOs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “WCSD news” in the subject line at least a week before an event.