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Community calendar

Jan. 5

Grace Lutheran Church, 28 W. Main St., Macungie, will hold its weekly supplemental food distribution that consists of bread, baked goods and dairy noon-1 p.m. Also Jan. 19 and 26. On Jan. 12, food distribution will also include canned goods and will be held noon-4 p.m. The regular full grocery giveaway will be held 2:30-4 p.m. Jan. 25 or 28. Signs will be posted for parking and which door to be used to pick up food.

Jan. 14

Grace Lutheran Church, 28 W. Main St., Macungie, will hold its monthly Drive-up/Take-out Free Community Meal 4- 5:30 p.m. The meal will consist of cabbage and noodles with sausage, a Jell-O fruit parfait, rolls and cookies.

Jan. 15

Slot Car Show at Quakertown Farmers Market, 201 Station Road, Quakertown, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The show features cars, accessories, books and everything needed for a slot car collection.

Jan. 22

Craft show at Quakertown Farmers Market, 201 Station Road, Quakertown. Vendors will feature handmade items including crochet, artwork, woodworking gift baskets,table decor and more. Vendors can register by calling 267-884-5956.

Jan. 30

Red Cross blood drive at Quakertown Farmers Market, 201 Station Road, Quakertown, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Appointments are preferred. Register online at redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code: qmart or call 800-REDCROSS. All blood types are needed.