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North Catasauqua police

North Catasauqua police responded to these and other calls recently.

DEC. 5

The department assisted an outside agency in the 500 block of Front Street, Catasauqua.

DEC. 6

Police assisted citizens in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

DEC. 7

Officers investigated a reported vandalism to a residence in the 1300 block of Woodmont Lane.

A vehicle stop was conducted in the 1000 block of Howertown Road.

Found property in the 1000 block of Front Street was reported.

Police assisted a citizen in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

The department assisted outside agencies on Bridge and Front streets in Catasauqua and West 17th Street in Northampton.

DEC. 8

Officers performed a security check in the 1000 block of Howertown Road.

Police assisted citizens on Fourth and Main streets.

The department assisted an outside agency on North 12th Street, Catasauqua.

DEC. 9

Police assisted citizens on Sixth and Main streets.

The department assisted an outside agency in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

DEC. 10

Police responded to a ringing alarm in the 1500 block of Washington Street.

The theft by unlawful taking in the 1000 block of Fourth Street was investigated.

Officers assisted a citizen in the 1000 block of Front Street.

DEC. 11

A security check was conducted in the 1400 block of Main Street.

Police assisted citizens in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

The department assisted an outside agency in the unit block of Second Street, Catasauqua.

DEC. 12

Officers issued warnings on Eugene and Main streets and Howertown Road.

A suspicious vehicle in the 1000 block of Sixth Street was investigated.

Parking citations were written on Arch Street.

The department assisted outside agencies on Fourth Street and Chestnut Street, Coplay.