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Fifth-grade student organizes donation drive for food bank

McKenna Faulds, a fifth-grade student at Catasauqua Middle School, wanted to do something for her community.

She didn’t want to do a fundraiser, so she came up with her own idea. McKenna, with help from her mother, Sandra Hill, ran a donation drive from early October until Nov. 16.

She reportedly accumulated hundreds of pounds of food and personal hygiene products.

McKenna has a good relationship with Officer Pat Best, Catasauqua Area School District school resource officer with Catasauqua Police Department, so she asked if he would assist in delivering the food to Catasauqua Community Food Bank, 527 Front St. Best said he was honored to assist, so he and McKenna filled the back of his police cruiser.

McKenna, along with her siblings, met up with Best at the food bank Nov. 18 on Front Street where the food was donated to help the citizens of Catasauqua.

“So proud to see a young member of our community helping out the less fortunate,” said Jenna Potak, CASD school resource officer with Catasauqua police.

McKenna Faulds, a fifth-grade student at Catasauqua Middle School, assists with unpacking donations at Catasauqua Community Food Bank, 527 Front St., Nov. 18. She began a donation drive that ran from early October through Nov. 16.
McKenna takes a moment with Pat Best, Catasauqua Area School District school resource officer with Catasauqua Police Department, after donating the food and hygiene products she collected for the food bank.
Donations of food and personal hygiene products are donated to the food bank.
McKenna unloads the donations with food bank volunteer Eugenia Emert.
CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS McKenna's siblings, Austin and Stephen, help unload the donations.