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No tax hike in Catasauqua’s 2022 budget

At its Dec. 6 meeting, Catasauqua Borough Council passed the 2022 borough budget. It contains no tax hike; however, the sewer fee was raised 3.5 percent.

The fee hike represents about a $5 monthly increase for the average household.

The budget passed by a vote of 6-1. Newly re-elected Councilman Paul Cmil noted that in the recent November election, the message from voters was clear - no more tax hikes.

The original sewer fee proposal was a 5-percent hike, which council did not pass. Councilman Brian Bartholomew motioned to make the hike 3.5 percent. It was seconded by Councilwoman Debra Mellish.

Cmil pressed for a zero fee hike. Council President Vincent Smith pointed out, that at recent meetings, Cmil pushed for expensive, necessary improvements at the borough’s sewer operations. Smith said there is potentially significant looming expenses that warrant the increase.

After the vote, Smith thanked council for their “responsible vote” to increase the sewer fee.

In the hearing of persons present, a resident approached council regarding recreational fire pits. He reported there is a resident who has a metal car wheel he allegedly uses to burn wood. The police have been called to the scene, but when they arrive, the fire is put out.

This has been a source of contention to the complaining resident, who has demanded borough action to cite the resident for what he believes is an illegal recreational fire pit. Police Chief Douglas Kish noted when the police arrived at the location, “the property was in compliance.”

Councilman Cameron Smith said a resident can have an old car or truck wheel in his backyard.

Another resident approached council to offer thanks for repaving Cambridge Street. She informed them, however, the street signs have not been replaced. She was assured they will be reinstalled shortly.

Vincent Smith offered resolutions of thanks to three people who have provided the borough with many years of service.

Retiring public works Director Jeff MacHose was recognized for his decades of service, which began when he was in his teen years as a community volunteer.

Also recognized were Jeffery Dimmick, attorney-at-law, for his 40-year tenure as the borough solicitor and former Councilman Brian McKittrick for his many years serving Catasauqua, including 13 years on borough council. McKittrick recently resigned from council because he relocated outside the borough.

New Councilman David Bernini was formally recognized via resolution in a 7-0 vote, adding him to council. He replaced McKittrick.

Committee reports and the solicitor report were scant because of the holiday season.

Vanessa Nedrick, borough engineer, provided a brief report on the Race Street projects. Nedrick noted a longitudinal crack of about 150 feet in length in the pipe under Race Street was discovered. She said the cracked pipe will have to be replaced.

Mayor Barbara Schlegel said the Santa mailbox was just painted and will be placed at the borough hall. She relayed all letters to Santa Claus will receive written responses from Santa.

She thanked the Innovative Arts Academy Charter School students who decorated the municipal complex with holiday greetings.

Schlegel also thanked all involved in the holiday tree-lighting ceremony held recently at Catasauqua Park and Playground.

A representative from Taggart Associates, Chad Helmer, gave an update on efforts to secure grant funding for the Iron Works project. To date, it was noted, about $3.55 million in grants have been raised for the project.

The goal is to raise about $4 million to complete demolitions and infrastructure improvements so the project can be turned over to the site developer, Dunn Twiggar.

Helmer said Taggart is pursuing additional grant dollars for the complete renovation of the brownfield site. Taggart Associates’ 2022 contract with Catasauqua Borough was approved by a 6-1 council vote. Cmil expressed misgivings about the entire project.

The next Catasauqua Borough Council meeting is 7 p.m. Dec. 20. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit catasauqua.org for the call-in number and codes to view virtually.