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Grace UCC holds spaghetti dinner

Shirley Leindecker, director of dining events at Grace United Church of Christ, 902 Lincoln Ave., Northampton, joined her kitchen team to assemble spaghetti platters for patrons to eat in-house or to take home and enjoy. The event was held Nov. 13.

The dinner included spaghetti with meat sauce, salad and a roll - and cookies for dessert. The event also had homemade baked goods for sale and a basket raffle with an assortment of baskets for chance.

Volunteers were in abundance.

Joan Matura was tending to the basket raffle, with Trisha Daniels and Kaitlyn Oswald selling tickets.

The baked goods tables were staffed by Gail Miller, Nancy Van Horn and Bonnie Horwith, and Sue Kutzler and Betty Miller sold tickets for the dinner.

The volunteers were chipper as they discharged their duties.

They anticipated a good turnout, and the fellowship in the social hall was evident. The volunteer staff and patrons appeared to be happy to just get out to a social event.

Proceeds from this event are earmarked for the church general fund.

PRESS PHOTOS BY BILL LEINER JR. Gail Miller, Nancy Van Horn and Bonnie Horwith staff the baked goods table at a spaghetti dinner and basket raffle, held Nov. 13 at Grace United Church of Christ, 902 Lincoln Ave., Northampton.
Sue Kutzler and Betty Miller collect tickets for the event. Proceeds will benefit the church general fund.