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Temporary board quorum meets to reorganize in East Penn

While waiting for Lehigh County to certify two reelected members and two new members, the East Penn Board of School Directors conducted an organizational meeting Dec. 6.

With the temporary appointment of Dr. Ken Bacher Dec. 5, in addition to sitting members Paul Champagne, Allan Byrd, Jeffrey Jankowski and Dr. Joshua Levinson, a five-member quorum was on hand for the meeting.

Bacher and Champagne were quickly returned to their previously held posts of president and vice president, respectively. Voting was unanimous.

Sitting on the sidelines were Adam Smith and Bill Whitney. Although they were elected to serve in the recent election, they are not yet certified, due to a disputed race between two judicial candidates. Both expressed disappointment in not being able to start their terms.

“I understand that it’s one of those things that you have to just roll with it,” Smith said. “I’m anxious to get back up there.”

“This is democracy, it’s messy,” Whitney remarked. “I’m really excited to get going and get to work.”

Until it plays out in the courts, Lehigh County is hamstrung in certifying any of the county office election winners.

Board Secretary Janine Allen presided over the meeting until Bacher was elected president pro tempore to briefly oversee the election of officers.

Bacher read a prepared statement announcing the interview process to fill the board vacancy, created when he had resigned in November, will not take place at the next meeting, as previously planned.

Bacher made it clear he plans to resign again when “the newly-elected board members can be seated.” He added, “When the board member vacancy again becomes available, the board will consider the eight candidates who have already applied.”

The directors approved the meeting schedule for 2022. The dates are as follows: Jan. 10 and 24, Feb. 14 and 28, March 14 and 28, April 11 and 25, May 9 and 23, June 13 and 27, July 11, Aug. 8 and 22, Sept. 12 and 26, Oct. 10 and 24, Nov. 14, Dec. 5 (reorganization) and 12.

The board also voted to designate the East Penn Press as one of three media outlets for advertising purposes during the 2021 calendar year.

There were no requests to address the board and no executive session held prior to the public forum.

The next regular school board meeting is scheduled for Dec. 13. The public can access documents through BoardDocs via a link on the district web site. Live streaming of meetings is available on the district’s YouTube channel.

Board Secretary Janine Allen briefly presides over the election of president pro tempore at the Dec. 6 organizational meeting.
After being elected president pro tempore, Dr. Ken Bacher oversees the election of officers.
PRESS PHOTOS BY ED COURRIER Sitting on the sidelines are, from left, Adam Smith and Bill Whitney. Although they were recently elected, they are not yet certified, due to a disputed race between two judicial candidates.