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SES PTO hosts shopping event for kids

PRESS PHOTOS BY REBECCA FOEHRKOLB The Salisbury Elementary School PTO held its annual Holiday Shoppe the first week of December. Students had the opportunity to shop for family and friends and gifts were wrapped by many volunteers. ABOVE: Evelyn Pojanowski shops for holiday gifts.
Gabriela Collado Tavares and Aniyah Morales finish their purchases and wait for the rest of their classmates to finish before going back to class. Additional photos appear on Page A2.
Jakob Cressman holds a bag full of gifts for family and friends after shopping at the Salisbury Elementary School PTO Holiday Shoppe.
Lilly Holland holds up two bags of gifts, all wrapped, to give to family and friends.
Roland Seely and Chase Calvaresi continue shopping at the Salisbury Elementary School Holiday Shoppe.