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Salisbury Middle School hosts winter concert Dec. 9

We are getting close! Can you feel it? Winter break is coming. Have your kids started a countdown?

Salisbury Middle School will hold its annual winter concert 7 p.m. Dec. 9.

The concert will be held in person at SMS, 3301 Devonshire Road. All parents and/or guardians are welcome to attend. All visitors are required to wear a mask while in the building. The students hope you’re able to join them at the concert.

The Salisbury High School spring musical will be “RENT: School Edition.”

Auditions will be held 2:30-5:30 p.m. Dec. 8, 9 and 10 at SHS, 500 E. Montgomery St. Please choose a 30 minute slot and email director Shannon O’Grady at sogrady@salisburysd.org to reserve your audition time.

Dec. 10 marks the midpoint of the marking period for the second quarter for SMS and SHS.

The next PTO meeting at Salisbury Elementary School will be held 7 p.m. Dec. 13.

Dec. 17 will be the next SES T-shirt day. Hard to believe, but it will be the last one for 2021.

Leaf collection continues around the township until mid-December, weather permitting. Please have all loose leaves curbside for pickup.

“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas CAN change the world.” Robin Williams