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Salisbury firefighters train together to sharpen search and rescue skills Nov. 29

Press Photo by Jim Marsh Firefighters from Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company and Eastern Salisbury Fire Department trained together on their regular drill night, Nov. 29, at the vacant Western Salisbury Elementary School building, Devonshire Road, in the western part of the township. Crew members practiced hose advance techniques as well as search and rescue protocols in the darkened school building. A full-sized rescue mannequin was placed in one of the classrooms and firefighters had to find the mannequin and bring it safely out of the building. Another team of firefighters practiced hose advance techniques and extinguished the simulated fire. ABOVE: Fire crews practice search and rescue techniques Nov. 29 at the former Western Salisbury Elementary School building, Devonshire Road.
Press Photo by Jim Marsh Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company Lt. Jared Tierno carries a life-size and weight rescue mannequin into the vacant Western Salisbury Elementary School as part of a search and rescue firefighting training sequence Nov. 29.