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Book boxes debut at Salisbury Elementary School

Press Photos by Rebecca Foehrkolb Inspired by a news article, Salisbury Elementary School teacher Susan Young, her students and her husband, Michael designed and built book boxes for the school campus. ABOVE: Book boxes feature donated books to be borrowed and returned.
Susan Young joins students from kindergarten through fourth grade who painted a picture on the side or back of the boxes. Students read about the boxes in 2019 and wanted to have one at school. A walkathon at the school in 2020 raised funds for materials for the boxes.
Susan and Michael Young built the boxes last summer. Students throughout the school painted pictures on the sides of the book boxes in November. ABOVE: Students in Susan Young's current class who painted a picture on the boxes gather for a photo.
Contributed photos Emma Walker, one of the student artists, shows the picture she painted on a book box.
Logan Holland includes a signature on a book box illustration.