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Alburtis and Macungie boroughs receive infrastructure funds

Infrastructure projects in Alburtis and Macungie boroughs recently were awarded funding through the Multimodal Transportation Fund by the Commonwealth Financing Authority, according to Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Sen. Pat Browne, R-16th and Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, R-134th, who collaborated to secure the grants.

Alburtis Borough will receive $303,000 for the continuation of improvements to the Bicentennial Village neighborhood, which encompasses Lockridge Lane, Roberts Street and Second Street.

Improvements will include the replacement of existing concrete sidewalks and vertical curbs, upgrades to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act standards, replacement of asphalt roadways and line re-striping.

Browne and Mackenzie had previously secured over $1,000,000 for the completion of the first two phases of this project.

“These funds mean a great deal to the borough. We appreciate Sen. Browne and Rep. Mackenzie working to secure this support to make these necessary improvements,” Alburtis Borough Manager Sharon Trexler said in a media release.

Macungie Borough is to receive $250,000 to begin Phase VI of the ongoing Main Street Streetscape Improvement plan.

The project aims to calm traffic and improve safety while providing a pedestrian-friendly downtown corridor. The funding will help to enhance 1,200 linear feet of streetscape enhancements on the north side of Main Street from Mountain Creek Crossing to Chestnut Street.

Improvements include enhanced lighting, new greenery and accessible sidewalks. The project also incorporates stormwater management features including storm piping along the curb, inlets and subsurface drain outlets.

“Those of us on council in support of the Streetscape Improvements thank Sen. Pat Browne and Rep. Ryan Mackenzie for this Phase VI funding,” Macungie Borough Council President John Yerman said in a media release. “It will hopefully allow us to extend the improvements to Poplar Street on the northbound side of Main Street.”

Browne and Mackenzie have previously collaborated to secure state funding for Macungie’s Main Street improvements, including funding for the completion of phases III, IV and V of the streetscape program.

Across the Commonwealth, local government budgets have struggled to accommcdate the growing demands placed upon their local infrastructure networks. These issues have been compounded due to budgetary and operational disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The CFA was established as an independent agency to administer Pennsylvania’s economic stimulus packages. The CFA holds fiduciary responsibility over the funding of programs and investments in Pennsylvania’s economic growth.

The CFA awards the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development’s Multimodal Transportation Fund grants, which aim to encourage economic development and ensure a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to the residents of Pennsylvania.